the alchemist full book with page numbers pdf

When he's anold man, he's going to spend a month in Africa. \"Maybe no one herehas, either.\"The Englishman's eyes lit up. In one he had read that, many years ago, afamous Arabian alchemist had visited Europe. If it were, hewould already have heard of it.\"And what do you do in Salem?\" he insisted.\"What do I do in Salem?\" The old man laughed. I understand sheep;they're no longer a problem, and they can be good friends. He continued to look at the beautiful sword for a bit longer, untilhe summoned the courage to turn around.All around him was the market, with people coming and going, shouting andbuying, and the aroma of strange foods but nowhere could he find hisnew companion. About; . Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 18 / 94\"The boy began climbing and descending the many stairways of the palace,keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. Like crickets, and like expectations;like lizards and four-leaf clovers.\"That's right,\" said the old man, able to read the boy's thoughts. Butthe king of Salem hoped desperately that the boy would be successful.It's too bad that he's quickly going to forget my name, he thought. He had suddenly remembered that, in Tarifa, there was an old womanwho interpreted dreams. . Someone had once told him that it was from there that theMoors had come, to occupy all of Spain.He could see almost the entire city from where he sat, including the plazawhere he had talked with the old man. Then, like a colony of worker ants, theydismantled their stalls and left.The sun began its departure, as well. \"I'm herebecause a friend of mine heard of an Arab who\"But the caravan began to move, and it was impossible to hear what theEnglishman was saying. He had never even wept in frontof his own sheep. An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Maybe she didn't even remember him. The day was hot, and the wine wasrefreshing. Heknew it would require a lot of patience, but shepherds know all aboutpatience. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 4 / 94The boy was surprised at his thoughts. Hecouldn't have been wrong.\"I had never heard of alchemists before,\" the boy said. *The boy couldn't believe what he was seeing: the oasis, rather than beingjust a well surrounded by a few palm treesas he had seen once in ageography bookwas much larger than many towns back in Spain. And you are at the pointwhere you're about to give it all up.\"\"And that's when you always appear on the scene?\"\"Not always in this way, but I always appear in one form or another.Sometimes I appear in the form of a solution, or a good idea. I'm trying to find out where the alchemist lives Creatures like the sheep, that are used totraveling, know about moving on.\"He thought of the merchant's daughter, and was sure that she had probablymarried. The Englishman said nothing.And the murmur lasted longer than a simple vow would have. \"We make a lot of detours, butwe're always heading for the same destination.\"\"And you ought to read more about the world,\" answered the Englishman.\"Books are like caravans in that respect.\"The immense collection of people and animals began to travel faster. Most of them he hadread in books, but he would tell them as if they were from his personalexperience. The boy had never even noticed that there was a hole in his pouch.He knelt down to find Urim and Thummim and put them back in the pouch.But as he saw them lying there on the ground, another phrase came to hismind.\"Learn to recognize omens, and follow them,\" the old king had said.An omen. But he knew that Salem wasn't in Andalusia. \"This candy merchant isn't makingcandy so that later he can travel or marry a shopkeeper's daughter. But he trusted in the old man, whohad said that, when you really want something, the universe alwaysconspires in your favor. = CONTENTS = Part One Part Two EpiloguePART ONEThe boy's name was Santiago. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 3 / 94\"How did you learn to read?\" the girl asked at one point.\"Like everybody learns,\" he said. So, he asked if the old man'sblessing was still with him.He took out one of the stones. In his pouch, he had his jackethe certainly wasn't goingto need it in the desert. \"And ask for aglass of wine for me. If we serve tea in crystal, the shop is going to expand. *\"That's strange,\" said the boy, as he tried once again to read the burial \"That's it! He picked up the two stones and putthem back in his pouch. It wasn't exactly that they were secrets; God revealed his secretseasily to all his creatures.He had only one explanation for this fact: things have to be transmitted this The boy was also saddened; his friend was in pursuit of hisdestiny. There was a small building there, with awindow at which people bought tickets to Africa. In half an hour, he had cleaned all the glasses in the window, and,as he was doing so, two customers had entered the shop and bought somecrystal.When he had completed the cleaning, he asked the man for something toeat. Every step has to be followedexactly as it was followed by the masters.\"The boy learned that the liquid part of the Master Work was called the Elixirof Life, and that it cured all illnesses; it also kept the alchemist fromgrowing old. \"But I want one-tenthof the treasure, if you find it.\"The boy laughedout of happiness. We areobliged, at least once in our lives, to visit the holy city of Mecca.\"Mecca is a lot farther away than the Pyramids. \"Inany case, it's good that you've learned that everything in life has its price.This is what the Warriors of the Light try to teach.\"The old man returned the book to the boy.\"Tomorrow, at this same time, bring me a tenth of your flock. He remembered that he had a number of things he had to takecare of: he went to the market for something to eat, he traded his book forone that was thicker, and he found a bench in the plaza where he couldsample the new wine he had bought. Dusk was falling as the boy arrived with hisherd at an abandoned church. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 32 / 94begin to sell tea in the crystal glasses. \"Imagine if everyone went around transforming leadinto gold. The old man had said to ask very clear questions, and to dothat, the boy had to know what he wanted. 2 of 25. Whenever he saw the sea, or a fire, he fell silent,impressed by their elemental force.I've learned things from the sheep, and I've learned things from crystal, hethought. Hethought that, with some patience, he'd be able to transform everything intogold. Books. It was only theEnglishman who was unaware of all this; he was, for the most part,immersed in reading his books.The boy, too, had his book, and he had tried to read it during the first fewdays of the journey. Combining magic, mysticism, wisdom and wonder into an inspiring tale of self-discovery, The Alchemist has become a modern classic, selling millions of copies around the world and transforming the lives of countless readers across generations. The thief wasn't there, and theowner brought him a cup of tea.I can always go back to being a shepherd, the boy thought. It's the simple things in lifethat are the most extraordinary; only wise men are able to understand them.And since I am not wise, I have had to learn other arts, such as the readingof palms.\"\"Well, how am I going to get to Egypt?\"\"I only interpret dreams. He got up, adjusted his clothing, and picked up hispouch.\"I'll work for you,\" he said.And after another long silence, he added, \"I need money to buy somesheep.\"PART TWOThe boy had been working for the crystal merchant for almost a month, andhe could see that it wasn't exactly the kind of job that would make himhappy. In two years he hadlearned everything about shepherding: he knew how to shear sheep, how tocare for pregnant ewes, and how to protect the sheep from wolves. It was also saidthat they had a pact with the devil, and that they kidnapped children and,taking them away to their mysterious camps, made them their slaves. Combining magic, mysticism, wisdom and wonder into an inspiring tale of self-discovery, The Alchemist has become a modern classic, selling millions of copies around the world and transforming the lives of countless readers across generations. \"Well, I'm the king ofSalem!\"People say strange things, the boy thought. In the crowd were women,children, and a number of men with swords at their belts and rifles slung ontheir shoulders. Thatwind had brought the Moors, yes, but it had also brought the smell of thedesert and of veiled women. Then he turned to theboy.\"I am proud of you,\" he said. \"When I'm eating, that's all I think about. He had already seen manypeople come and go, and the desert remained as it was. That's why I'm here in the middle of the desert.I'm seeking a true alchemist who will help me to decipher the codes.\"\"When were these books written?\" the boy asked.\"Many centuries ago.\"\"They didn't have the printing press in those days,\" the boy argued. The world was huge and inexhaustible; he had only to allow hissheep to set the route for a while, and he would discover other interestingthings. The most important is to believe only in the one true God. About; . Looking at the sun, hecalculated that he would reach Tarifa before midday. They climb themountain to see the castle, and they wind up thinking that the past wasbetter than what we have now. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2019-08-17 17:11:21 Identifier thealchemist_201908 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t6b35q07j Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) The miner, with all the angerand frustration of his five fruitless years, picked up the stone and threw itaside. Originally written in Portuguese, it became a widely translated international bestseller. He had already imagined the scene manytimes; every time, the girl became fascinated when he explained that thesheep had to be sheared from back to front. I know good crystal from bad, andeverything else there is to know about crystal. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 24 / 94Even if he never got to the Pyramids, he had already traveled farther thanany shepherd he knew. \"This is an important book, but it's really irritating.\"The boy was shocked. He knew how to shear them,and how to slaughter them. Since that morning in the marketplace, he had never again madeuse of Urim and Thummim, because Egypt was now just as distant a dreamfor him as was Mecca for the merchant. If he were to say anything, the bakerwould spend three days thinking about giving it all up, even though he hadgotten used to the way things were. Please enter a valid web address. I'm afraid that if mydream is realized, I'll have no reason to go on living.\"You dream about your sheep and the Pyramids, but you're different fromme, because you want to realize your dreams. But the boy never took his eye off hisnew friend. He was tense and upset, because he knew that the old manwas right. Once again he was experiencing thelanguage without words the universal language.The Englishman asked if they were in danger.\"Once you get into the desert, there's no going back,\" said the camel driver.\"And, when you can't go back, you have to worry only about the best way ofmoving forward. Who knows,maybe they had failed to discover the secret of the Master WorkthePhilosopher's Stoneand for this reason kept their knowledge tothemselves.He had already spent much of the fortune left to him by his father, fruitlesslyseeking the Philosopher's Stone. He knew that wind: people called it the levanter,because on it the Moors had come from the Levant at the eastern end ofthe Mediterranean.The levanter increased in intensity. That's the world'sgreatest lie.\"\"That's never happened to me,\" the boy said. Theshop is exactly the size I always wanted it to be. He had seen kingsand beggars walking the desert sands. After all, he had all his money. The boy felt jealous of the freedom of thewind, and saw that he could have the same freedom. The Alchemist Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. It seems old and wise.The wind never stopped, and the boy remembered the day he had sat at thefort in Tarifa with this same wind blowing in his face. But let's say that the most important is that you have The othersare to pray five times a day, fast during Ramadan, and be charitable to thepoor.\"He stopped there. The boy smiled to himself. \"The Koran requires me tofeed a hungry person.\"\"Well then, why did you let me do it?\" the boy asked.\"Because the crystal was dirty. He had remembered that one of thecrystal merchant's suppliers transported his crystal by means of caravansthat crossed the desert. They might even havebecome friends, but the Englishman closed off the conversation.The boy closed his book. People continued to comeand go from the baker's shop. Theowner of the bar came over and looked, as well. The boy explained that it wasn't important, since that sheep was themost intelligent of the flock, and produced the most wool.\"Where is the treasure?\" he asked.\"It's in Egypt, near the Pyramids.\"The boy was startled. From where hestood, he saw for the first time that the old merchant's hair was very muchlike the hair of the old king. There was nothing tohold him back except himself. The dunes were changed constantlyby the wind, yet these were the same sands he had known since he was achild. It was as if the world hadfallen silent because the boy's soul had. *The horizon was tinged with red, and suddenly the sun appeared. And he hadn't perceived them because he had becomeaccustomed to them. I can't help you if you feel you've gotenough sheep.\"The boy was getting irritated. He hadalways believed that the sheep were able to understand what he said. But he would never have thought it more than just a myth, hadnot a friend of hisreturning from an archaeological expedition in thedeserttold him about an Arab that was possessed of exceptional powers.\"He lives at the Al-Fayoum oasis,\" his friend had said. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 15 / 94decided he should go back to being a shepherd. But he hadfound a guide, and didn't want to miss out on an opportunity.\"You have to cross the entire Sahara desert,\" said the young man. Eventhough the sheep didn't teach me to speak Arabic.But the sheep had taught him something even more important: that therewas a language in the world that everyone understood, a language the boyhad used throughout the time that he was trying to improve things at theshop. And he asked the boy if he, too, were in search ofthe alchemist.\"I'm looking for a treasure,\" said the boy, and he immediately regrettedhaving said it. Heknew how to speak Esperanto, he understood all the major religions well,but he wasn't yet an alchemist. Because life wantsyou to achieve your destiny,\" the old king had said.But the merchant understood what the boy had said. 19362 likes. I can learn something from the desert, too. He had understood the story the old king hadtold him. It turned out to be a bitter tea. An allegorical novel, The Alchemist follows a young Andalusian shepherd in his journey to the pyramids of Egypt, after having a recurring dream of finding a treasure there. God hasprepared a path for everyone to follow. But he had thrown it with such force that it broke the stone it fellupon, and there, embedded in the broken stone, was the most beautifulemerald in the world.\"People learn, early in their lives, what is their reason for being,\" said the oldman, with a certain bitterness. I don't want to changeanything, because I don't know how to deal with change. You just have to read the omensthat he left for you.\"Before the boy could reply, a butterfly appeared and fluttered between himand the old man. He had helped him out in a dangeroussituation. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 34 / 94and purpose, and as part of a search for something believed in and desired.Tangier was no longer a strange city, and he felt that, just as he hadconquered this place, he could conquer the world.\"When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieveit,\" the old king had said.But the old king hadn't said anything about being robbed, or about endlessdeserts, or about people who know what their dreams are but don't want torealize them. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 17 / 94The old man opened his cape, and the boy was struck by what he saw. \"When he was a child, that man wanted to travel, too. The problem is that they don't even realize that they're walking anew road every day. In some places, the ground was covered with the salt of dried-up lakes. And it ends up saying that everyone believes the world'sgreatest lie.\" Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 35 / 94to care for sheep, and I haven't forgotten how that's done. pdf INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING PHENOMENON, 2012 Brahim EL FEZZAZI Paulo Coelho Full PDF Package This Paper A short summary of this paper 1 Full PDF related to this paper Download Download Full PDF Package Translate PDF 1 of 25. First he hadstudied Esperanto, then the world's religions, and now it was alchemy. \"People will pass byand bump into it, and pieces will be broken.\"\"Well, when I took my sheep through the fields some of them might havedied if we had come upon a snake. This was a port town, and the only truthfulthing his friend had told him was that port towns are full of thieves.Now he understood why the owner of the bar had been so upset: he was \"That first day, everyone slept from exhaustion, including the Englishman.The boy was assigned a place far from his friend, in a tent with five otheryoung men of about his age. A young couple sat on the bench where hehad talked with the old man, and they kissed.\"That baker\" he said to himself, without completing the thought. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 41 / 94But all this happened for one basic reason: no matter how many detoursand adjustments it made, the caravan moved toward the same compasspoint. He decided to stay right there and await his return.As he waited, a priest climbed to the top of a nearby tower and began hischant; everyone in the market fell to their knees, touched their foreheads tothe ground, and took up the chant. And,one day, the leader of the caravan made the decision that the fires shouldno longer be lighted, so as not to attract attention to the caravan.The travelers adopted the practice of arranging the animals in a circle atnight, sleeping together in the center as protection against the nocturnalcold. \"They wanted me to be apriest, but I decided to become a shepherd.\"\"Much better,\" said the old man. But thistime I'll be smarter, the boy thought, removing them from the pouch so hecould put them in his pocket. His purpose in life was totravel, and, after two years of walking the Andalusian terrain, he knew all thecities of the region. Bakers have homes, while shepherdssleep out in the open. The old woman had said the same thing. The boy approached awoman who had come to the well to fill a goatskin with water.\"Good afternoon, ma'am. As he took his jacket out of the pouch, thinking to give it tosomeone in the street, the two stones fell to the floor. It had caused him tohave the same dream for a second time, and it was causing him to feelanger toward his faithful companions. I don't know how animals know the age of humanbeings.\"\"Tell me more about your dream,\" said the woman. With the girl withthe raven hair, his days would never be the same again.But finally the merchant appeared, and asked the boy to shear four sheep.He paid for the wool and asked the shepherd to come back the followingyear. The boy felt sorry for the Englishman's camel, loaded down as hewas with the cases of books.\"There's no such thing as coincidence,\" said the Englishman, picking up theconversation where it had been interrupted in the warehouse. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 40 / 94But, in the desert, there was only the sound of the eternal wind, and of thehoofbeats of the animals. Then she again took his hands andstudied them carefully.\"I'm not going to charge you anything now,\" she said. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 1 / 94 The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho Translated by Alan R. Clarke. There was afull moon, and the boy told the Englishman the story of his life.The Englishman was fascinated with the part about the progress achieved atthe crystal shop after the boy began working there.\"That's the principle that governs all things,\" he said. All things are one.\"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you toachieve it.\"They were both silent for a time, observing the plaza and the townspeople.It was the old man who spoke first.\"Why do you tend a flock of sheep?\"\"Because I like to travel.\"The old man pointed to a baker standing in his shop window at one cornerof the plaza. The sheep will get used to my notbeing there, too, the boy thought.From where he sat, he could observe the plaza. Sometimes it's better to leave things as they are, he thought tohimself, and decided to say nothing. Summary Read one-minute Sparklet summaries, the detailed section-by-section Summary & Analysis, or the Full Book Summary of The Alchemist . He called to the boy, andthey took a walk along the dunes surrounding the encampment. They spoke about mercury, salt, dragons, andkings, and he didn't understand any of it. \"It's like the camel driver said:'Eat when it's time to eat. This is aport, and every port has its thieves.\"The boy trusted his new friend. He could always become a crystal salesman again. One afternoon, on a visit to his family,he had summoned up the courage to tell his father that he didn't want tobecome a priest. I've already imagined a thousand times crossing the desert, arrivingat the Plaza of the Sacred Stone, the seven times I walk around it beforeallowing myself to touch it. He said that for the past fewdays he had been paying attention to how the caravan operated, but that hehadn't learned anything new. \"Follow the omens.\"The boy picked up Urim and Thummim, and, once again, had the strangesensation that the old king was nearby. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. He had spent enormous amounts of timeat the great libraries of the world, and had purchased all the rarest and mostimportant volumes on alchemy. Share to Twitter . When I was young, all Iwanted to do was put together enough money to start this shop. Myneighbors feared they would lose all their olive trees in the flood, and mywife was afraid that we would lose our children. The boy promisedhimself that, when he returned from Egypt, he would buy that sword.\"Ask the owner of that stall how much the sword costs,\" he said to hisfriend. And theodor of the animals became a bit more tolerable.A young Arab, also loaded down with baggage, entered, and greeted theEnglishman.\"Where are you bound?\" asked the young Arab.\"I'm going into the desert,\" the man answered, turning back to his reading.He didn't want any conversation at this point. The Soul of the World is nourished bypeople's happiness. The infidels had an evil look about them.Besides this, in the rush of his travels he had forgotten a detail, just onedetail, which could keep him from his treasure for a long time: only Arabicwas spoken in this country.The owner of the bar approached him, and the boy pointed to a drink thathad been served at the next table. Patience, but he was n't yet an Alchemist became a widely translated international bestseller to eat struck by he... Of alchemists before, \ '' This candy merchant is n't makingcandy so that later can. There, too, it became a widely translated international bestseller he called the. 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the alchemist full book with page numbers pdf