Do you want a good school that is considerably affordable? Kindly let us know how you feel using the comment box. This is one of the career pathways after medical school that is discussed most among MBBS graduates and young doctors in Nigeria. You can liken the main idea of NYSC to this: you trained in Nigeria, now give something back for the country. And just like private practitioners, the advice is to specialize in any field at all in Medicine or Surgery before embarking on any innovative or business venture. Nevertheless, youve got to give it your best shot! Learn more. Lets say the quota for medical students in UNN each year is 120. We provide quality guides to help you reach your dreams from getting into medical school, to succeeding in your training and career. This is one of the surest and most promising pathways after MBBS for Nigerian Medical Students who still want to keep practicing in the country. Now, we want to hear from you! The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The following are the catchment areas for the University of Nigeria, Nsukka; Abia, Anambra, Bayelsa, Cross-river, Delta, Ebonyi, Edo, Enugu, Imo, and Rivers states. Post-Secondary Medical Instruction 5. The post is a detailed one which will guide you to make the perfect decision. Note that within all these periods, before attaining the level of a consultant, you are being paid in the Teaching Hospital you serve. Being a resident doctor in Nigeria is not an easy job at all. Its all to quicken up your mind. Bayelsa Medical University Website; This page was last edited on 7 . After you must have passed this exam, you will proceed further to serve for 2 to 3 years as a junior registrarin a teaching hospital that is recognized by the Medical council. Getting Admission to the Best medical schools in Nigeria 2023, Unbelievable: You Won't Believe This is the Best Medical Course to Study 2023, Accredited Medical and Dental Colleges In Nigeria, 11 Unbeatable techniques on how to score above 300 in JAMB, Best Private Medical Universities In Nigeria, What to Do Next After Medical School in Nigeria, How to Study like a Pro in Medical School, Top 10 Lucrative Medical Courses to Study in Nigeria, 15 Things You Should be buying before starting medical school, 15+ List Of Things To Buy Before Starting Medical School, Is Microbiology Hard? After this course, youll treat patients of their illnesses, take leadership positions in health care delivery, and render quality health services to humanity. Year after year, young people who drop out of school, with the highest percentage of being female usually apply to study nursing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. To the outside world, Im an ordinary Medic but secretly I use this blog to help aspirants get into medical school, provide insightful guides and connect with others like me. In Nigerian medical schools, a joint medical and surgical degree . All you need to do is relax- youve labored well and now be calm enough to receive your harvest(admission slot)! This program involved pursuing a Masters, Ph.D and Professorship programs in various specialties (in the country). Many medical schools were forced to halt academic. After results are out, wait for your school to bring out the admission list, and yes, if you did well, youll get admission! But thats not the same as the University of Nigeria that gives a 60-question exam on Biology, English, Chemistry, and Physics. Step 6: Write And Pass Post-UTME. This period might be your only long time with them before you begin medical school. Udomoh Eshemokha-January 22, 2021 0. Note: this table above is an estimate. cmul .unilag .edu .ng. Hence, take your time to figure out how much youll need to spend for you further training to not get stranded by the way. But you can apply without WAEC if you have passed in ALevel courses in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology, or Zoology. You can put up your excellent writing skills and proper research into producing super quality journals and articles. So, youve got to be excellent at all times! Staying far also has its privileges. Weve dished out as promised, the steps to studying Medicine and Surgery in a Nigerian University. And after successful completion, you qualify with a Bachelor of Medicine Degree (MB), or Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). After housemanship, youll need to partake in the NYSC program serving your fatherland. However, this may vary. This post will be a long and enjoyable ride. What may be best for a friend might not be the best for you? In conclusion, understand that getting into medical school in Nigeria isnt a spontaneous process. This is irrespective of whether you choose to remain in the country, or whether you choose to practice abroad. Its a compulsory program that every graduate just pass through before getting employment in Nigeria. The faculties in their college of Medicine are. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'medicsdomain_com-small-square-1','ezslot_25',631,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-medicsdomain_com-small-square-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'medicsdomain_com-small-square-1','ezslot_26',631,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-medicsdomain_com-small-square-1-0_1');.small-square-1-multi-631{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:600px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}You can also break down your goals in this manner:UTME SubjectScoreEnglish language75Biology85Physics85Chemistry85Total330How you should table your desired score. This competition has led to hospitals conducting pre-employment tests to receive interns. Please note that you must schedule an appointment before you can request an expedited date. And yes, in this case, you only need to have a Bachelor of science in fields related to Medicine. You cant apply for the NYSC Program without getting your Permanent Medical License. In this case, were going to go with the University of Nigeria as an example; In UNN, the percentage ratio between merit, catchment, and ELDs is usually 45:35:20 percent. It is usually taken after internship and after you must have chosen a specialty you want to go into. How long does it take to complete medical school in Nigeria? The majority of schools call aspirants to write an aptitude test or Post-UTME examination. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'medicsdomain_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',631,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-medicsdomain_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Firstly, one of the most important things to layout while selecting your school should be the cost. It's also one of the best medical schools in Nigeria. However, not every house officer will earn the same amount. Do they meet your budget, location, or environment choice? 5. The university was founded in 1999. 7. UCAT test score. List of the Top 17 best Medical Schools in Nigeria . A new Seventh-day Adventist School of Medicine in Nigeria is the denomination's first in Africa. Get the Ultimate Freelance Writing Guide book thatll teach you the exact strategies I used to skyrocket my finances through writing even without blogging! (Awesome Tips For Newbies! Find out their application date, and keep them on record. Firstly, youll need to purchase a JAMB form and fill in your desired school. Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Niger Delta University (NDU), Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa, Ondo State University Of Medical Sciences Laje Road, Ondo, Ondo State, Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago-Iwoye, Ogun, Enugu State University of Science & Technology, Gombe State University (GSU), Tudun Wada, Gombe, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU). These were summarized into 6 major categories for easier classification and understanding. ), Ultimate Medical School Guide, Tips and Advice, Medicine and Surgery Cut off mark and Admission Guide, InspireMe Series, Biography and Success Stories of Great Medics, Medical School Fees Series, and Cost of Study for your school of choice, The Complete Course Outline For Medicine And SurgeryIn Nigeria, Get The Ultimate Freelance Writing Guide Book, Christian Medical and Dental Association Test For 024 Class. Delta State University, Abraka, Delta state. And at some points, the selection is based on Network Connection. Lets take a look at what a typical residency program entails. In this guide, well show you the practical stepsof getting into medical school in Nigeria. Step 3. The Top-notch medical college boasts of 3 faculties and nine departments in their college of Medicine: The University of Illorin, popularly known as Unillorin, is a good choice for Medics, especially if youre searching for one with a fast academic calendar. Or do they use your Senior School Certificate Examination(SSCE) results to complement your UTME? The University of Benin, popularly known as Uniben, is among the medical schools that are excellently training medical doctors in Nigeria. These are answers you need to know about any school you want, so as not to get off the rock when the deal comes. The institution comprises three campuses at Abraka, Asaba, and Oleh. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Youve got to be on alert. The website is called Scholarship Positions. Basically, the Doctors program entails you going to local hospitals or teaching hospitals in a state where you offer medical services. They govern you, train you, teach you how you should go, and sometimes, this might come with surprising methods. Studying Medicine In Nigeria: 7 Guaranteed Steps For Admission Success, Do Engineers Make More Than Doctors? College of Medicine, Lagos State University, Ikeja, Lagos State. Medicine and Surgery- Best Medical Courses In Nigeria ; 1.3.2 2. If you want to attend any school in Nigeria, you have to pass through them. Opting in to receive their newsletters will grant you access to weekly updates on currently open scholarships in different universities all over the world. Ultimate Guide to Housemanship in Nigeria, 6 Career Opportunities and Pathways after MBBS in Nigeria, How to write an application letter for medical housemanship, Why Nigerian Doctors Write PlAB more than USMLE, AMC, MCC, and other Licensing exams. Will you get paid as a resident? In Nigeria, there are 42 medical schools, of which; 17 are government-owned, 18 are State universities, and seven are private. These are the basic things to do if you want to study Medicine in Nigeria. The Lagos state-owned institution is of high recommendation because of the quality of healthcare their teaching hospital provides. The price is at the top of the roof! International schools in Nigeria. THE FIRST YEARS of medical school in Nigeria are spent mostly in the classroom, in science labs that prepare you with the knowledge you will need for handling patients when clinical rotations begin. Best Medical schools in Nigeria? This is the exam that allows you to gain entry into any approved university in Nigeria. University of Benin, Edo state. Read our Medicine and surgery cut off mark archive to know how hard you need to prepare for medical school. The University of Ibadan in Oyo state Is the best medical university in Nigeria. Furthermore, the residency program takes up to 3 to 7 years, and the time spent in school depends on the specialty. Get their contacts, reach out to them, ask questions, and form a good relationship. The Career opportunities after medical school include: One of the best ways to get ahead in your career after studying MBBS is being lucky enough to bag a scholarship to study abroad. Looking for the best medical universities in Africa? Thats all! Read; Why Nigerian Doctors Write PlAB more than USMLE, AMC, MCC, and other Licensing exams. What can I use to clean my womb to get pregnant? Enjoy! Federal Universities have different catchment areas. However, ensure you check the Direct entry requirements of your school of choice to know the acceptable courses., because they differ. Usually, Chemistry and Biology or Physics/Maths are mandatory. Then add 10 points to the average gotten from your research. If youre in search of a good medical college in Southeastern Nigeria then the University of Nigeria should be your top choice. It is a public university founded in 1948. Now you can relax and wait for your school to release admission lists. Academic libraries in Nigeria. Furthermore, you will get to write your Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination(UTME). And, you'll get to learn the basis of diagnosis and management of common medical cases. General Health. Are you an aspiring medic? The University of Ibadan, popularly known as UI is located in Oyo State, and its not only the best university to study Medicine in Nigeria, but is also one of the leading colleges generally in West Africa. The College of Medicine, Delta State University boasts of three facilities, Faculties of; On the other hand, this institution doesnt offer some medical coursed like radiography, medical Laboratory Sciences, medical rehabilitation/physiotherapy, and nursing. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'medicsdomain_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',613,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-medicsdomain_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');If medical students get enough time to study their courses, the failure rate would have been reduced drastically! :Start your preparations immediately without waiting for UTME forms to be out. The Nigerian Medical Students' Association (NiMSA) [1] is the official umbrella organization of all medical students studying in recognized medical schools in Nigeria, irrespective of their nationalities. Your articles will be a source of help to many who read them. In this case, you should estimate the amount of effort needed to achieve the desired score and get admission. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You may have already known of some of these pathways, but there are still some which may still be new to you. This scholarship is not just restricted to doctors alone; but also to people who have distinguished themselves in their various careers as leaders willing to impact global change. The 5 year period of medical school in UK covers your preclinical and clinical years of medical school. Training in medical school needs money. Subjects needed to study Medicine in Nigeria? 3.6%! 5+ Food for Ulcer Patient in Nigeria (Revealed), How To Make Money As A Teenager In Nigeria. UNNs former name was the University of Biafra, Nigeria . And just like Housemanship, your salary depends on the hospital. Asides from that, the school is super awesome for Medics. What do people say about the Best private Medical schools in Nigeria?The norm is that they're well stocked with excellent infrastructures, right?But are these private institutions great for Medical school training? But for now, know that theyre different and, more importantly, research it using colleagues who are already in school. The Southwestern university is fully equipped with the best modern medical infrastructures in Nigeria. Also, Read; How I passed My PLAB 1 exam; Dr. Usman Zahid. ), Ultimate Medical School Guide, Tips and Advice, Medicine and Surgery Cut off mark and Admission Guide, InspireMe Series, Biography and Success Stories of Great Medics, Medical School Fees Series, and Cost of Study for your school of choice, The Complete Course Outline For Medicine And SurgeryIn Nigeria, Get The Ultimate Freelance Writing Guide Book, Christian Medical and Dental Association Test For 024 Class. D. Medical Researchers are in high demand at this time than never before. Nigeria Health Blog is a research-based health site that specializes in Science-Backed facts about diseases and treatments, cost of surgeries, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and anatomy of the Human Body with the aim of enlightening, educating, and informing the public. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'medicsdomain_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_14',610,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-medicsdomain_com-medrectangle-3-0');So youre through with Medical School? Among which there are 10 of the best as listed at The college has a conducive environment, fully equipped facilities, and more so necessary structures that facilitate learning in medical students. And they are all discussed in this post with some links to help you get access to the institutions that offer these types of careers in medicine. Here you have one of them known as The University of Ghana. For some medical students, it may not be so worrisome as they already have many family and friends whose influence could make their career pathway a smooth ride. Whichever one its, ensure you know the state of the medical school you want. Read! Next in our list of best medical schools in Nigeria is the Ahmadu Bello University, which was opened in 1962. There are high standards that will always ensure youll be up and doing at all times! Gender, like geography and poverty, is an important factor in the pattern of educational marginalization. Dont forget to read more about how to become eligible and apply for these scholarships on each of their websites which are attached to their descriptions. As a Nigerian, start planning on Residency in Nigeria. If this is your path, youll need to undergo further medical education; going for masters and sometimes Ph. After filling up the internship application, connect with fellow doctors, and be at alert to know when the pre-employment interview will come up. 7 Steps To Take To Study Medicine and Surgery In A Nigerian University, Step 1: Decide Firmly That You Want to Study Medicine In Nigeria, Step 7: Wait For Admission List- How to Study Medicine in Nigeria, Tips On Choosing the Best University to Study Medicine in Nigeria. In this guide, I will be giving an exploratory view of the best medical schools in Nigeria 2023. To reach a particular medical career dream, be it to practice as a Neurosurgeon, work as a Public health specialist, medical journalist, or any other specialty, youve got to pass through medical school. The institutions teaching hospital and medical school has great facilities, the environment is perfect for medics, and like Unillorin, they hardly go on strike. As you progress through the years of PGY-1, 2, 3, etc., you can expect to gain more confidence and responsibility. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Nevertheless, there remains a core of 7 serious reasons medical students drop out of medical school. Most students want to study in an environment theyre comfortable with. If you enjoyed this post, or in any way have any thing to add or questions to ask, we care about that. Lets break down how most schools admissions work. In addition to undergraduate and postgraduate medical programs, in the College of Medicine of the University of Ibadan, the teaching hospital also provides facilities for Post-graduate Residency Programs in various specialties. Simply ensure that you have a minimum of 5 credits in any of them. It has one of the best sets of equipment and structures for Medical students to use when they come to the university and it has a record of producing one of the top best Medical . Factors to Consider before choosing the Best Medical Schools in Nigeria 2023? Additionally, we have answered related questions to this topic. Also Read: 3 Ways to Gain Admission with low JAMB score. But today they own a website called World Scholarship Forum, where anyone can find these updates on scholarships right at their fingertips. Uncategorized. Here are a few tips on applying for medical internship: In most cases, youll likely take an oral examination or interview. University of Ibadan College of Medicine. The formerly called University of Ife is located in Osun State, Nigeria. Even if other students go on vacation, you might be given a short break and youll have to come back to school earlier. The school is in Edo state and comprises of three campuses. Many aspirants ask, whats the duration to study medicine in Nigeria? or how many years to study Medicine in Nigeria? Since youre going to conduct experiments and provide results on the human body, you could develop better drugs to help mankind. Weve given you the list of the 10 best medical schools in Nigeria. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'medicsdomain_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_2',196,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-medicsdomain_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');We hope this in-depth guide will go a long way in making sure you decide wisely. In most cases, youll likely take an oral examination or interview more so structures... The school is in Edo state and comprises of three campuses at Abraka, Asaba, form. State of the roof hard you need to prepare for medical school in Nigeria is the Ahmadu Bello,... Offer medical services state-owned institution is of high recommendation because of the best schools... Its a compulsory program that every graduate just pass through them, in this guide, well show you list! Country ) in an environment theyre comfortable with in 1962 graduates and young in! Of Medicine, Lagos state Patient in Nigeria Forum, where anyone find. 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