There is only ONE KIND OF VIET NAM VET,,ONE WHO WAS THERE. good info on your post, keep up the good work! It is anticipated that the overall number of veterans would fall from 20.0 million in the year 2017 to 13.6 million in the year 2037. Answer (1 of 4): Background During the 1980s, the postservice mortality component of the Vietnam Experience Study was conducted to examine the health effects of the Vietnam experience. As for the CAR, that might be another story. Likely 15 to 20 percent of the total who served after the buildup in 1965 were born before the end of World War II. Had my good times, as well as bad times, after leaving the US Army, April 10, 1970 I always look at that date as my second Birthday The Vietnam War lasted from 1964-1973the longest war in American history. Veteran Mike Baughman, 65, who was featured in the previous AP article, said his claim was granted early this year after being denied three times. Im a Life member of VVA, DAV and AMVETs; spend almost two years in Vet Nam as Medic with 145th Avn Btn AND 11th ARVN Airborne Brigade. They can assist a grateful nation in thanking and honoring Vietnam Veterans and their families. And I believe the qualifier thereis that many were claiming to be combatvets when in reality the ratio of logistics to grunts was about 9:1 therefore the large number suggested was true Vietnam Veterans, just not combat vets. Found your article after reading so many obits lately where the guy was a Vietnam vet and wondering. This study was limited by the relatively short follow-up and the young age of the veterans. I have a few observations, but I will let you all go first. Of the 2.6 million, between 1-1.6 million (40-60%) either fought in combat, provided close support or were at least fairly regularly exposed to enemy attack. Pretty hard to quantify those one car accidents at 2am, from the smell of diesel. Starting to live with zest at 60 aint so bad. But the specter of Vietnam still lingers, and some of that wars veterans view such acts with a wary glance. Anyone can use no. Working on a story for my veterans paper at my website and found your blog on this subject. Then ask, Do you think I might have been affected by this ambiguity between grounded reality in the tri canopy jungle and political reality at home which was counter to the troops welcome return (sarcasm). For myself I always felt that the millions of men who were in uniform before me returned to civilian life, I could do the same, when I went into the army, I was just to crunch no. Theres one, just like the ones that we used, painted red, hanging from the ceiling at the Pima Air Museum. Vietnam Veterans may be eligible for disability compensation benefits because of exposure to Agent Orange. Food for thought. in only 6-10 years.. *STATISTICS FOR INDIVIDUALS IN UNIFORM AND IN COUNTRY VIETNAM VETERANS: * My English teaching assistant at the U of A, in 1971, called me a baby killer, and spat on the ground. and not one guy in my group had ever said that they were spit upon!! Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Vietnam for two tours. 2017 Report on Race and Ethnicity 624,000 during World War II and throughout the Korean Conflict 1,475,000 Vietnam Era 6,651,000 0 2 4 6 8 10 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 Millions World War Two Conflict in Korea Vietnam Era Gulf War Era. I don't know about you guys, but it kind of gives me the chills. . Lost a friend after a going away party when he took one last flight the day after the party. (Vietnam veterans are passing away at a pace that is about comparable to that of their dads who served in World War II.) I would like to see the source for this estimate that there are only 850,000 Vietnam Veterans still alive. So the last 14 years we are dying too fast, only the few will survive by Mike. Median age is 68 years. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. "Of the 2,709,918 Americans who served in Vietnam, less than 850,000 are estimated to be alive today, with the youngest American Vietnam veteran's age approximated to be 54 years old." 1969 most of the unit were draftees, with a few old hands returning for a Something to be proud of! Mike. i had no idea i could apply for a cib, but would like to. Dan Bullock (December 21, 1953 June 7, 1969) was a United States Marine and the youngest U.S. serviceman killed in action during the Vietnam War, dying at the age of 15. The last Vietnam Vet will die in 2047. I went back to work (with Government Defense Contractor)where I worked before entering service and was laid off after 1 month.Went to VA rep who did nothing about it,but then sent me for a job as an exterminator.went off on him and asked was this supposed to be closest civilian related occupation. I found out later that most of the men who enlisted for 4 years volunteeredfor What was the life expectancy of a helicopter door gunner in Vietnam? "We are taking this seriously," said Curt Cashour, a spokesman with the Department of Veterans Affairs. and told our stories we had a good laugh, just laughed our asses off went to the My husband is former Marine (in Vietnam 1966-67) and diagnosed with Parkinsons, diabetes, etc. Especially if you are happily married. The average man who fought in World War II was 26 years of age. Was an 11B grunt with the First Air Cav (C1/7) in 71/72. I work with veterans all the time and thought you might find it interesting (if you didnt know already) that any Vietman Vet who served in country and who develops Parkinsons Disease, Lou Gehrigs disease, or a number of other illnesses is assumed tohave been exposed to Agent Orange and AUTOMATICALLY qualfies for Service Connected Disability. statistics that are at once depressing yet in a larger sense should give you a HUGE SENSE OF PRIDE. The only qualifier may be that there is a misunderstanding about what In Country means. Any anecdotal evidence that has come my way over the years is not from books. Did you know that is the day Ho Chi Minh died? I hope it will cause your readers to write the Secretary and emphasize their concern about the unfortunate treatment of our Vietnam Veterans. A group of amputee Vietnam veterans talk together at a hospital in San Francisco, California, 1967. "You didn't have to go fighting.". That in a sense is a violation of Federal law and should be attacked by those with means to do so. As for suicides, this is mostly a myth seconday to a VA study in the 1970s that included all Vietnam eta veterans. I showed this to a non vet to see if I was not clear (PTSD) and he was shocked at the number of Nam Vets who were passing away. i got sent to viet nam in the spring of 71 and came back in the spring of 72. my mos was 82c20, surveyor. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Both are unlikely to life to 70, and both have suffered life-threatening diseases already which they are lucky to have survived. Rather than being greeted with anger and hostility, however, most Vietnam veterans received very little reaction when they returned home. It was apparently based on an estimate that 800,000 Vietnam-era veterans had died by 2000. During that year, 1,928 soldiers died in the Vietnam War. sent back to the 4/18 artillery, the same unit I left in Germany. EM Club after that, I never saw Walker again. Vietnam veterans are reaching a point in their lives where they may be retired, losing the past support systems of family and friends, susceptible to depression and prime candidates for. Look upon myself as a well I am not sure anyone will ever quantify the exact number of suicides. As a cohort, Vietnam veterans were met with none of the fanfare and received none of the benefits bestowed upon World War IIs greatest generation.. Be safe and well Welcome Home Im 66 years old, going in to the hospital for the 4th time for more stents. To me, It means today is a fresh start and we have one more chance at having a normal life. When I returned to the U.S. from Nam I remember walking thru LAX terminal in uniform and having people call me names, one having attempted to spit on me. Hopefully since most of us are inot our 60s now we have past the heart attacks and cancers that seem to get you in the 50s and maybe the rate will now slow. No more mr. Nice Guy. I had 6 close buddies in Vietnam. 2015if any.. Do you think there shouldnt be any baggage there? Your email address will not be published. Age: 75. Lincoln, Nebraska is where I call home. We returned home to an uncertain future with no skills needed in the civilian world, we would make our way the best we could in this I have never had or felt the same camaradrie I experienced serving two tours Magazine, the Public Information Office, and the HQ CP Forward Observer I never want to see another hurt person as long as I live. Tell them you want to request a CIB. The program is for federal, state and local communities, Veterans' organizations and other nongovernmental organizations. you guys read to many bullshit books!!! THERS IS ONLY ONE KIND OF COMBAT VET..ONEWHOWAS IN COMBAT. Greensburg, Indiana, U.S. Garwood was transferred to North Vietnam in 1969, and according to reports, he was freed in 1973 along with the other American prisoners of war as part of the Paris Peace Accords. I am a Marine Vietnam Vet (6/67-7/68) & a MarineDesert Shield/Storm Vet. I am 62, and rated 100% with Agent Orange medical issues. A lot of them give me that blank stare like, 'You've got what?'". We are not dying off that fast. Well, one thing to remember is that not all Vietnam veterans were born in 1945 or later. Except for one, we were all medics. That number was reasonable: About 9.2 million Americans served in the military during the Vietnam. Three weeks ago I suffered by 4th stroke, each attributed to ISD. The excess mortality, especially through motor vehicle accidents, suicide, homicide, and accidental poisonings, occurred mainly in the first 5 years after discharge from active duty and involved. At your next response, should you be so kind, I will tell you of a career U.S. Navy hero who died alone, broke, unsung in a Trailer park in Oregon. In Country, that empty feeling was with me for years, until I worked for the Dept. Any numbers on this would be greatly appreciated. educated man, besidesrocknroll there is Classical Music, Jazz and other favorites It is believed that there were 58,318 casualties among United States soldiers alone. Thank you. How many Vietnam vets are dying each day? Ages range from 97 to 55 years old (born between 1918 and 1960). Have you tried to apply? More answers below James Cain Finally after 10 months found a job,human resources person said that they didnot mind hiring Vietnam Veterans .as long as I was not drug addict or involved in any war attrocities. According to an estimate by the New York Times, there were 8.4 million Vietnam veterans who were still alive in the year 2000.Of those, 1.1 million had passed away.It was also estimated that there will be a total of 138,000 Vietnam veterans who will pass away every year from this point forward.Editorial note from the administrator of the website: For me, the estimate from two years ago of 610 thousand seems to make the most sense. Some of the responses did not come through our site in a timely fashion. So the last 14 years we are dying too fast, only the few will survive by 2025. Yer pal, Ferraeri Bubba. There are currently 83,204 unaccounted for U.S.personnel, and the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office at the Pentagon reports that this number includes 73,547 service members from World War II, 7,883 service members from the Korean War, 126 service members from the Cold War, 1,642 service members from the Vietnam War, and six service members from Iraq and other recent conflicts, including three Defense Department personnel. The Current Situation Regarding the Missing and Unaccounted for American Service Members Who Were Killed in Vietnam. The figure that floats around alot and that Vet Centers sometimes mention is about 111,ooo from 1973 to 1997. None of the enlisted grades have an average age of less than 20. I believe they may be using no. An overwhelming majority of Vietnam Veterans are male (6.2M) while in the civilian populaon females (47.7M) outnumber males by 20.5M. american legion of purple hearts. That is a very large amount, equating to around 23.6 million. Yes the war was not popular but we did go and do our duties we were trained to do. 24 I knew we were losing our numbers fast but not nearly as fast as we are, thank you for the education. I welcomed 2 Marines back home and they returned the gesture. As of the year 2015, around 1,600 of those individuals were still considered unaccounted for. The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA), which is part of the United States Department of Defense, reports that there were a total of 687 American prisoners of war who survived the Vietnam War. On June 7, 1969, Bullock was killed by small arms fire while on night watch at An Hoa combat base. Stay alive & sane thanks to Valium I am still alive for now NOT from the V.A., I use my own Doctor. Although the war was considered cold, that didnt stop those crazy DDR Volkspolizei Border Guards from taking more than a few potshots at us when we ventured too close to their border fence to retreve one of our over-flightdrones. In 1970 received a letter from him Answer (1 of 7): You're in luck. from actual combat vets but dont know that for a fact in any case that does seem rather high. where did this nunber come from, the people I am dealing with look closely at source material and I would really like to use this. "I was in a state of shock," he said. age approximated to be 54 years old., If youre alive and reading this, how does it feel to be among the last i forgot to mention in my above comment,that i was in the first infantry division,(the big red one),charlie company,2nd battalion,16th infantry regiment,rangers,in vietnam. It can take decades for symptoms to appear. In my mind they were throwing out a SWAG. Very good but alarming article. Mike, Jim and I flew from Da Nang, to Kadena Okinawa, and then after an attempt to fly out of Kadena in a Flying Tiger Line plane one of the 4 engines quit in mid-air, and we made an emergency landing back at Kadena, we stayed overnight and flew out in the same repaired airplane on to Travis A.F. "We've been fighting this for 55 years," said Wright, who also served in the Connecticut National Guard from 1982-1999 and retired as a first sergeant. The AO stuff is just so hard to tolerate as it still invades so many of us. Everytime there is a major airline crash in the news, we email it to each other and joke that would have been US if we kept flying. Listed here are the four Vietnam veterans with the youngest ages. The Vietnamese did not take the invasion very well and did all in their might to protect themselves against the advancing American forces. Its better than them walking away and not even recognizing you. Age: 77. Even though I served 7 months on an A-Team, I wasnt eligible for the flash because I got my CIB BEFORE I was assigned to the group. He immediately scheduled further tests, discovering he had two cysts on his bile duct, which had the potential to develop into the cancer, known as cholangiocarcinoma. they have in all wars. Best wishes, I just watched a VN movie about the Hanoi Hilton.. I may have some choice words to express as well. Seventeen year-old James Calvin Ward was one of them. Hi Mike. Do you mean more information about Agent Orange? Still have those dreams that creep in and keeps me awake for the rest of the night Less than half of them submitted claims for service-related benefits, mostly because they were not aware of a possible connection to Vietnam. Vietnam Veterans of America/ Vietnam Veterans Die Early/ Epidemiology for Vietnam Veterans/ Agent Orange Deaths,,,, Transcendental Meditation Retreat At Picture Rocks Retreat House, Veterans Across America Black Out Walmart Black Thursday. By way of the SHADS project, we are still handling claims of radiation exposure in WWll and those who went to ABC school in the Navy; Atomic, Biological, Chemical Warfare training on ships in the early 1960s. What seeds should I start indoors in February. We can only pray that the current generation of young men and women who are the current targets of a cottage-industry of professionals who thrive on making them all impaired will fare better than we did. I came home in 69, my hair fell our,got big pustuals on my back, and skin problems immediately. A half century after serving in Vietnam, hundreds of veterans have a new reason to believe they may be dying from a silent bullet test results show some men may have been infected by a. Last name: Before you visit your local recruiter, be sure you meet the minimum qualifications for serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Some pilots, career men and members of elite units may have been much older. I too am a Marine Vietnam Veteran; (7th Marines 67-69), with multiple diagnoses. Too, it provides an excuse for missing the aforementioned date required by law. Nice to be reminded of our true niche in historythank God, not the Hollywood one! Its better than nothing. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. Mike Baughman holds a 1971 photo of himself in his U.S. Army uniform at his home in Danville, California on Aug. 2, 2016. Related:More evidence Agent Orange causes cancer. I have written letters for soldiers I personally witnessed in combat situations and almost all were evaluated and received long over-due compensation. Thanks to our Editor, Mark Evans, I have some raison de etre. Some may have escaped the digs and harsh words and that is good but make no mistake those things did happen. Might any of our readers speculate about why this may be? I take ware hearing aids and to this day Im always vigilant when Im out always Looking for people who served in the 134th assault helicopter co. from 1971 to 1972. (fact check note by Mike Brewer. best regards. I am an in country vet and 59 years old, your article wasvery informative. In case you havent been paying attention these past few decades after you The VA rejected 80 percent of the requests, but decisions often appeared to be haphazard or contradictory, depending on what desks they landed on, the AP found. So it is not so much the numbers as the age at which Vietnam Veterans pass on to glory. As a mental health nurse in the 1970s who worked the suicide prevention and crisis unit for 4 years, I can tell you there were alot. In 1982 Vietnam veterans march down Constitution Avenue toward the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which would be dedicated later that day. The Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that there are roughly 7.2 million living veterans in the world today. We flew to Okinawa, and during the flight on Flying Tiger airlines from Okinawa one of the four engines stopped, we had to make a emergency landing back at Okinawa. Do you have any statistics on how many of the so called BWN vets are coming down with AO related presumptive diseases. The aircraft ( helicopter ) went down experiencing mechanical problems. The disability compensation that some veterans get from the VA is factored into the average for veterans. The 850,000 figure came from a 1997 article from a variety of sources., Another common myth is more Vietnam Veterans have committed suicide than were killed in combat not true. Pete. The ages of those who served in Vietnam varied anywhere from 55 to 97 years old. have similar data. Before I married my loving wife, I told her of some of my experiences, but not all of them showed her all themedicine There is no way that 69% of those who served are now dead, as is easily noted by the unit reunions that occur and the personal circle of other vets than many vets have. HEROLD, W.Va. A half century after serving in Vietnam, hundreds of veterans have a new reason to believe they may be dying from a silent bullet test results show some men may have been infected by a slow-killing parasite while fighting in the jungles of Southeast Asia. 65-66 and Fed-67. It may precede a counter-appeal. "I didn't think it would be me.". my email is,, mike: fact is, my factory closed last summer, so i went and applied for some va disabilty, to help until i get fully retired. "I've personally dealt with muscle loss, neuropathy and atrial fibrillation. Not everyone boosts about how there home comming was and there are those who would like to leave that chapter behind them. Base, then to NY. I do know this. Vallo Roughly 300-thousand veterans have died from Agent Orange exposure -- that's almost five times as many as the 58-thousand who died in combat. that stuff got into everything -even breathing it in did a # on everyone that is how the guys in the navy got it. I am asking for a Decision Review Officer Hearing. ive always just repied yes, and left it at that. Think I might be carrying some baggage? Of course we have to consider how long it will take them to contract and automate the system. How did American soldiers treat the Vietnamese? (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. This was met by skeptisim by most Veterans groups. Ive been filing for years without luck despite having cardiac bypass surgery in my 40s and repeated stent implants, etc., etc., since then. I may be crazy but Im not stupid. Hope to have it out this year if I get the bucks together. Using that same time frame the number of Blue Water Navy . And approximately 164,000 Americans who served at sea in Vietnam waters are alive today. Jun. Another who is 85,from Colorado and was on the USS Rhona in Tunisia in the early stages of WWll who filed his claim at age 80 for PTSD. It stopped short of urging them to get ultrasounds or other tests, saying there was currently no evidence the vets had higher infection rates than the general population. Poison, who cares? DANang Often asked: What To Say In A Letter To A Veteran? "But until further research, a recommendation cannot be made either way.". Ill never ware a baseball cap again ever! The false number of 850,00 originates from the phony website of the American War Museum, which disseminates much false information for reasons only its manager (it is a one-man operation) might know. While I was in Vietnam I saw men, who did brave and heroic deeds they deserve what does that tell u? . He and I just emailed each other on Jan. 2, 2011. I used to be with the local VVA and did the Newsletter in 1987+ I added a column of all the OBITS of then dying off Vietnam Veterans from our area. (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. There census number is quite high, but I do not think it is this high.). A lot of guys found themselves in the sh-t and were not grunts. Look up the webstite. I had them look at my VA narrative pointing out stressors and stressor events in the Nam. I was transfered to the 201st aviation co. in Nha Trang in 1972 to finnish my tour . Hundreds of veterans have been infected by a slow-killing parasite while fighting in Southeast Asia. Vietnam was a lost war, and it was the first major lost war abroad in American history, Lembcke says. These are indeed some very sobering statistics. Celebrations aside, the government also failed to make good on its promises to those who served. At a time when I was paying $300 a credit, my entire educational benefit was $126. And when it came to finding a job, he was met with thinly veiled disgust and discrimination from law firms upon learning he was a Vietnam infantry veteran. That takes courage to return to war, or maybe they wanted to get out of a statside armpit like I did when reassigned to Fort Lewis, Washington All my Vet friends died from suicide, cancer, heart attack (drinking themselves to death). So, lets say there were not more, just, alot. It is still tragic. Local boards called men classified 1-A, 18-1/2 through 25 years old, oldest first. Thus, a follow-up mo. Major lost War abroad in American history, Lembcke says have written letters for soldiers I personally in! 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